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One act of Kindness can give Hope; one act of Compassion can give Faith; one act of Forgiveness can give Peace; one act of Courage can give Strength... ONE ACT OF LOVE CAN CHANGE A LIFE

Category: People In Need


#UnitedWeConquer… We must take action now! We must join together, say no to the evil and say yes to the good. The time is now! Are you willing to take the first step towards peace with me? I believe in the good in people. I believe all lives matter. From Orlando to Dallas, I have watched as we wage a…

Help Needed in Plano, TX

Last night on July 1st, a fire consumed the home of a family of 5.  The family was on a bike ride together when an electrical fire started in the garage, then continued to consume the home, including the family dog.  With 3 children ages 5, 3, and 2, the family could only think about how thankful they were to…

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